Partnerships & Progress: Driving Climate Solutions
The risks to resiliency posed by extreme weather are prompting U.S. cities, states, and businesses to take action, even as the issue continues to polarize many leaders in the nation’s capital.
However, recent bipartisan initiatives in Congress on clean energy, and a renewed focus on resilience and disaster preparedness could signify a shift in approach. Is the discussion of a broader set of solutions enabling a more constructive discussion in the long-polarized climate debate?
When it comes to clean energy, how can the public and private sectors balance progress on the climate front with healthy economic growth?
The Hill in collaboration with the Bipartisan Policy Center will convene policymakers, business leaders and advocacy groups to examine the issues that are motivating greater climate collaboration and consider the substance and politics behind these initiatives.
- Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Member, Congressional Climate Solutions Caucus
- Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Member, Committee on Environment and Public Works
- Patty Bubar, Acting Director, Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection
- Donnie Colston, Director, Utility Department, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)
- Dr. Jane Flegal, Program Officer for Environment, The Bernard & Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust
- Kyle B. Isakower, Vice President, Regulatory and Economic Policy, American Petroleum Industry
- Anne Kelly, Senior Director of Policy and the BICEP Network, Ceres
- Melissa Lavinson, SVP, Governmental & External Affairs, Pepco Holdings an Exelon Company
- Brian Pallasch, Managing Director, Government Relations & Infrastructure Initiatives, American Society of Civil Engineers
- Glenn Prickett, Chief External Affairs Officer, The Nature Conservancy
Thursday, September 6, 2018
8:00 AM | Guest Arrival & Networking Breakfast
8:30 AM | Program Begins
10:00 AM | Program Concludes
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Washington DC 20001
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