New grounds for impeachment? House Dem says Trump deserves it for making society worse

The Democratic Texas lawmaker leading the impeachment charge against President Trump says the damage Trump has had on American society could be “irreparable,” and is grounds for impeachment. 

“What he has done to this society is harmful and in some cases it may be irreparable – to tell police officers that you don’t have to be nice, when you’re arresting someone,” Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) told Hill.TV co-hosts Buck Sexton and Krystal Ball during an interview that aired Thursday on “Rising.”

“These are the kinds of things that can cause longterm harm to society,” he added.

Green also said he believes Trump’s firing former FBI director James Comey is an impeachable offense as is the president’s response to last year’s violent white supremacist marches in Charlottesville, Va. and his disparaging remarks against immigrants.

“I think this kind of behavior is impeachable – as a matter of fact, I’m confident it is,” he said.

The congressman also said he doesn’t want “the president of the United States to stand behind the racists, bigots, and Klansman in Charlottesville.” 

And despite previously criticizing House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for “trivializing” his efforts, Green said he respected Democratic leadership’s decision not to get involved in his calls for impeachment, calling it a “vote of conscience.” 

Pelosi and other Democratic leaders have sought tamp down on impeachment talk among a small group Democrats ahead of November’s midterm elections for fear it may have political consequences as they seek to take back the House.

“We must each do what we believe our conscience dictate and let the scales of history judge us all.” 

— Tess Bonn


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