Corker says he has concerns with new NAFTA deal

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) expressed concerns over the new trade deal between the U.S., Canada and Mexico in an interview that aired Wednesday on “Rising.” 

“I’m glad that it was all three countries … and I’m glad it looks like it might be coming to a close because it was roiling so much while it was open,” Corker said to Hill.TV’s Molly Hooper on Tuesday.

But the senator added that he is still concerned by tariffs put in place by President Trump. 

“As to whether it was better or worse than where we were, we’re still trying to determine that, to be honest,” Corker continued.

“We’re still concerned about the steel and aluminum tariffs being in place under [Section] 232. I want to make sure what we’re reading isn’t really a quota if you will as it relates to automobiles being sold in our country. But I’m not saying that it is or isn’t, we’re just trying to go through it in detail to understand what’s really been agreed to here.”

Corker has frequently been critical of Trump’s positions on trade in the past. 

His comments come after the U.S. and Canada reached an agreement on a trade agreement between the two countries and Mexico that would update the North American Free Trade Agreement. 

The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement represents a victory for the president and will require that 75 percent of components of a car or truck be manufactured in the U.S., Canada or Mexico to qualify for tariff-free status under the deal. 

The deal will also require that a significant percentage of the car be produced by workers making at least $16 per hour.

Canada made concessions on its dairy program under the agreement, which is expected to lead to some increased U.S. exports of certain products to that country.

Critics have said that the new deal could make the U.S. less competitive on the world stage.

Corker is not running for reelection, and his seat is up for grabs in a tight race between Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R) and former Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen (D). 

— Julia Manchester

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