Corsi says Mueller probe is led by partisans

Conservative author and conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi said in an interview that aired Friday on “Rising” that special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian election interference was politically motivated. 

“Absolutely,” Corsi told Hill.TV’s Buck Sexton and Jamal Simmons when asked whether he thought Mueller, a former FBI director and Republican nominated to lead the Bureau by former President George W. Bush, was a political partisan. 

“My conclusion is the Department of Justice and Mueller’s investigation are being run not only by partisan politicians but by criminals,” Corsi said.

The criticisms echo remarks by President Trump, who frequently derides the special counsel probe as being a “partisan witch hunt” run by “Angry Democrats” on Twitter. A number of people working for the special counsel investigation have given political donations to Democrats.

Mueller’s probe is investigating Corsi and Roger Stone’s links to WikiLeaks’ release of emails belonging to Hillary Clinton‘s former campaign chairman, John Podesta, during the 2016 campaign as part of an investigation into whether there was collusion between Trump’s campaign and Moscow to interfere in the election. 

Stone and Corsi have both denied being in contact with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. 

Corsi said that he rejected an offer for a plea deal from Mueller on a charge of lying to federal investigators, saying that pleading guilty would have meant that he would be agreeing to lie. 

“This is the charge they wanted me to plead guilty to,” he said on Hill.TV. “I thought the whole plea deal with fraudulent.”

Mueller’s investigation has led to four guilty pleas from former Trump associates, and he has obtained indictments against more than 20 Russian nationals.

 — Julia Manchester


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