Polling editor: Another state in 2020 could play out like Michigan did in 2016

Polling editor Carl Cannon said in an interview that aired Thursday on “What America’s Thinking” that there could be a state that plays out in the 2020 presidential election like Michigan did in the 2016 election. 

“She [Hillary Clinton] had trouble in states where Bernie Sanders beat her in the primary, and Trump won in the Republican side,” Cannon told Hill.TV’s Jamal Simmons on Wednesday. 

“The polls didn’t show it, and Sanders, he’s down by five and he wins,” he continued. “Michael Moore, who is partisan and sometimes inflammatory, he tried to warn the Democrats. He said ‘we’re in trouble in Michigan,’ and it’s a state he knows, ” he continued. 

“There’s some state like that, I don’t know what that’s going to be,” he said.  

President Trump narrowly won Michigan in 2016, receiving 47.4 percent of the total vote, while Clinton came in with 47 percent, according to New York Times exit polling. 

The results came as a surprise to many because of Michigan had long been viewed as a Democratic stronghold in presidential elections, however, Trump made it a point to campaign in the state in an effort to connect with working-class voters. 

Democrats are expected to attempt to bring those workers back to their party in 2020, but Trump is already defending the state and hosting a campaign rally in Grand Rapids on Thursday. 

— Julia Manchester

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