Political reporter says support for Biden, Sanders show generational divide in Democratic Party

Political reporter Eli Yokley told “What America’s Thinking” on Wednesday that the generational divide in support for former Vice President Joe Biden’s possible 2020 presidential bid and Sen. Bernie Sanders’s (I-Vt.) candidacy is a reflection of where the Democratic Party stands.

“The difference in terms of Biden and Sanders right now is generational,” Yokley, a reporter for Morning Consult, told Hill.TV’s Jamal Simmons. 

“Younger folks like Bernie Sanders. Older folks like Joe Biden,” he continued. “I think that reflects part of where the party is.” 

“Joe Biden represents sort of an older part of the Democratic Party and Bernie Sanders represents this new, young, left-leaning blood,” he said. 

While Biden has a history of appealing to more moderate, centrist Democrats, Sanders has attracted young progressives with ideas like free college tuition and “Medicare for all” in his two recent runs for the presidency.

Harvard University Institute of Politics poll released last week found that 31 percent of likely voters between 18 and 29 years old surveyed said they prefer Sanders, while 20 percent said they preferred Biden. 

— Julia Manchester

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