Trump campaign on Biden VP pick: ‘He’s going to tear the party apart’

A member of President Trump’s reelection campaign said Joe Biden’s pick for vice president is going to sharply divide Democrats.

“It really doesn’t matter to us who he picks. I’ll tell you, I think he’s going to tear the party apart when he does make his pick because I think the liberals are going to think his pick is too progressive and the progressives are going to think his pick is not progressive enough,” Trump campaign spokesperson Marc Lotter said Wednesday on Hill.TV’s “Rising.”

Lotter’s comments come as the presumptive Democratic nominee gears up to announce his No. 2 in the coming days.

Lotter specifically mentioned Rep. Karen Bass (D-Calif.), came under scrutiny for past comments regarding Fidel Castro and Cuba, and Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), who drew Republicans’ ire when she discussed the national conversation regarding removing statues of George Washington, though she never said the statues should actually be torn down.

Both women are being considered to join Biden on the Democratic 2020 ticket and have distanced themselves from their past comments.

“But what is really disturbing to me is when you have people like Karen Bass, whose a known communist sympathizer, on that ticket and someone like the senator from Illinois who thought we should be tearing down statues to George Washington, it shows you just how out of touch with the mainstream all of his picks are,” said Lotter.

You can watch more of Lotter’s interview above.

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