David Sirota: Turner’s support of Medicare for All shows ‘understanding of her district’

Daily Poster founder David Sirota said that Ohio progressive congressional candidate Nina Turner’s embrace of “Medicare for All,” “reflects her understanding of her district.” 

Sirota, a former adviser to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) campaign said in an interview on Hill.TV’s “Rising,” mentioned that corporate lobbyists launched a fundraising push for Turner’s opponent, Shontel Brown, the day after Turner released an ad in support of Medicare for All.

However, he said that polling has shown that the single-payer healthcare proposal is widely popular in the Northeast Ohio congressional district where Turner is running. 

“I think it reflects her understanding of her district,” Sirota said. “That’s the congressional district she’s running in, in which the last members of Congress who represented it for the last 30 years have supported Medicare for All.” 

“It obviously shows that she is a committed leader on this issue and she’s willing to have the fight,” he added, noting that Brown has “made some critical comments about Medicare for All.” 

“She could have avoided the issue, but she actually leaned in,” Sirota added of Turner. 

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