Iran expert says US should hold off ‘desire’ for stronger Iran nuclear deal until it re-enters

Trita Parsi, executive director of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, says the United States should hold off on a “desire” for a stronger Iran nuclear deal until it re-enters the current deal.

During an appearance on Hill.TV’s “Rising,” Parsi responded to comments from International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General Rafael Mariano Grossi, who told NBC News that his agency’s nuclear monitoring program in Iran is no longer “intact.”  

Parsi said the Iranians are making it “much, much more difficult” to re-enter the 2015 deal, formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). However, he noted that Iran’s actions are a “direct result” of Trump leaving the deal, and the U.S. not yet returning.

 “This is a reminder as to why it’s so necessary from a strategic perspective from a national security perspective, that we rejoined the JCPOA,” Parsi said. “Any desire for a longer a stronger deal — which may very well be quite legitimate — needs to be dealt with once we’re back into the deal, and not now, when we’re still outside of it.”

Watch part of the interview above.

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