Presidential races

Trump aide: Ryan not fit to be Speaker if he doesn’t support Trump

A spokeswoman for Donald Trump said that if Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) doesn’t back the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, then he is not fit to lead the House of Representatives.

{mosads}During a Friday interview with CNN’s “New Day,” Katrina Pierson was asked whether Ryan is still fit for his position if he doesn’t come around to supporting Trump.

“No, because this is about the party,” she said. “Look, you have to understand, the last two presidential cycles we were told that John McCain is a conservative — his Conservative Review scorecard is a 37 percent. We were told Mitt Romney is a conservative, and he was pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro-adoption, gave us ObamaCare.

“And we were told to hold our noses and vote for the sake of the party. These same people are now telling us that because their guy didn’t win, they want to hurt the party.”

On Thursday, Ryan said he is “not ready” to back Trump.

“I hope to though, and I want to,” the Speaker said. “But what is required is to unify this party. And the bulk of the burden on unifying the party will have to come from our presumptive nominee.”