Campaign committees

Van Hollen to Palin: Bring it on — no really, please do

Van Hollen dubbed the districts that Palin is focused on as
the “Palin primaries.”

“We call them Palin primaries because in these races she’s
picked, there are a thicket of Republicans that are competing in the primary,”
he said. “Sarah Palin weighing in in some of these races will only create a
stampede further to the right.”

Van Hollen cited the recent GOP rush to endorse a repeal of
healthcare reform as proof that the party is selling out to its more extreme

The two-term DCCC head declined to go into detail about
the role of GOP leaders in the threats being wielded against Democratic members
of Congress.

Van Hollen on Thursday accused Republicans of “throwing fuel
on the fire.” (House GOP Whip Eric Cantor has lodged a similar
accusation against Democrats.) But on Friday, Van Hollen declined to say which Republican leaders were guilty of such an offense, and he was eager to put the
statement behind him.

“I issued a statement in response to Eric Cantor yesterday,
and I’ll leave it at that,” Van Hollen said. “We want to focus on healthcare
reform. We think this has become a diversion and distraction, and I’ll leave it
at that.”

At the same time, Van Hollen said it was fair for Democrats
to highlight the threatening events.

“Democrats have been pointing to the facts; these are real
events that are being covered around the country,” he said.