House Majority PAC launches $1 million ad buy

House Majority PAC is running ads in Arizona’s 1st and 9th districts, as well as Illinois’ 17th district and Virginia’s 2nd district.

In Arizona’s 1st district, the ad highlights Republican Jonathan Paton’s career as a lobbyist for the payday loan industry — an echo of a similar attack launched by the DCCC — and what it characterizes as his support for eliminating Medicare and privatizing Social Security.

{mosads}In Arizona’s 9th district, the PAC attacks Republican Vernon Parker for what it characterizes as his backing of the Tea Party position to eliminate the Department of Education. The two Arizona ads are running in the Phoenix area on buys of $320,000 each.

In Illinois, the PAC targets Republican Rep. Bobby Schilling for what the ad characterizes as raising money from “special interests” and for supporting outsourcing. The ad is running in Peoria for a week and Rockford for two weeks for $215,000.

And the PAC’s ad in Virginia says Rep. Scott Rigell (R) supported tax cuts for the wealthy while blocking tax cuts for the middle class. It’s running in Norfolk for a week on a $110,000 buy.

Tags Scott Rigell

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