Presidential races

Webb on 2016: ‘We’ll see how it goes’

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Former Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) on Sunday said he is considering entering the 2016 presidential race.

“We’re actually truly exploring whether or not it is possible to conduct a viable campaign in the current environment,” he told ABC’s “This Week” host George Stephanopoulos. “I think it might be. We’ll see how it goes. If we can get the support we will continue moving forward.”

{mosads}”I have a long history of leadership,” Webb, who served in the Senate between 2007 and 2013, said of his qualifications. He also served as the assistant secretary of Defense for reserve affairs and as the secretary of the Navy before his Senate tenure.

Webb told Stephanopoulos Sunday he would focus on the economy and America’s workforce as president.

“You’ve got to level the playing field in terms of how you take care of working people,” he said. “In a way the system is becoming rigged against working people. We need to be focusing on the dysfunction currently in our economic system.”

Webb also criticized last Monday’s open letter to Iran from 47 GOP senators. He called the message a “silly mistake.”

“Sending the letter was serious error,” he said.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) authored the incendiary message. It said Congress could review any potential deal between the White House and Iran on Tehran’s nuclear weapons research.

Webb said Sunday he agreed with the senators’ intent even if he disliked their methods.

“You need to bring these things to Congress,” he said of diplomatic negotiations such as the Iran talks.

The Obama administration is trying to reach a tentative deal with Iran by a self-imposed March 31 deadline. A final agreement is needed by June 30.