Presidential races

Hillary posts resume on LinkedIn

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Thursday joined LinkedIn, a social media platform for professionals and job-seekers.

Clinton’s new profile lists her as a “2016 presidential candidate” based in the “greater New York City area.”

“Wife, mother, grandmother, women and kids advocate, FLOTUS, FLOAR, Senator, Secretary of State, dog person, hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, 2016 presidential candidate,” her summary reads.

{mosads}Clinton’s LinkedIn profile, though, notably does not list her failed 2008 presidential campaign.

It does, however, note her tenures as New York senator, secretary of State and Clinton Foundation board member.

Controversy over the Clintons’ charitable organization has plagued her campaign. A new book, Clinton Cash by Peter Schweizer, questions if donations from foreign groups and nations to the Clinton Foundation influenced Clinton’s actions while she was secretary of State.

Clinton also posted an article, “Four Ways to Jump-Start Small Business,” touting ideas to help small business.

She vowed to serve as a “small business president” if she wins the White House next year.

“Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, and they have as much to teach us as ever,” Clinton wrote.

The 2016 candidate argued that the current economic climate made small businesses a risky endeavor.

“Despite generations of progress on so many other fronts, it’s still too hard to get a business started today,” Clinton said. “Hard work is no longer enough to guarantee opportunity.

“Credit is too tough to come by,” Clinton continued. “Too many regulatory and licensing requirements are uneven and uncertain.”

Clinton proposed easing small-business regulations, expanding access to capital, relieving and simplifying taxes for small businesses, and expanding access to new markets.

“And as we come back from the crisis, potential new business owners and entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley to Des Moines to Brooklyn are ready to seize the moment,” Clinton wrote.

“All they need are policies that get them ahead instead of holding them back.”