Presidential races

Poll: Clinton, Trump in tight race in Nevada

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are in a close race in Nevada, according to a new Suffolk University poll released Thursday.

Clinton leads Trump by 2 points in the state, 44 percent to 42 percent.

{mosads}President Obama won Nevada in 2008 and 2012, but many election analysts put the state in the toss-up column this year.

Most voters in Nevada do not have a favorable view of Clinton or Trump, the poll found.

Only 38 percent of voters said Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, is honest and trustworthy, while 55 percent said the opposite. Similarly, 38 percent of likely voters said they think Trump, the Republican nominee, is honest and trustworthy, while 52 percent disagreed.

Nevada voters said the No. 1 issue facing the next president is jobs and the economy. Other issues of importance included terrorism and national security and choosing Supreme Court justices.

When asked if they felt more or less safe living in America than they did five to 10 years ago, 53 percent said they felt less safe, 15 percent more safe and 29 percent said there was no change.

The poll was conducted among 500 likely voters from Aug. 15 to 17. The margin of error is 4.4 percentage points.

In the RealClearPolitics average of polls, Clinton has a 2.3-point lead over the GOP nominee in Nevada, 43.3 percent to 41 percent. Several recent polls in the state have shown Clinton with a slight advantage.