Senate races

Koch group hits 6 vulnerable Dems: ‘ObamaCare just doesn’t work’

Americans for Prosperity, a conservative outside group backed by the Koch brothers, is launching a $4 million ad blitz attacking six vulnerable Democrats on ObamaCare.

The ads attack three senators and three congressmen for the program’s disastrous rollout and accuse them of breaking voters’ trust. All use female narrators and are aimed at persuading women voters.

The targets: Sens. Mark Begich (D-Alaska), Mary Landrieu (D-La.) and Kay Hagan (D-N.C.), and Reps. Ron Barber (D-Ariz.), Joe Garcia (D-Fla.) and Patrick Murphy (D-Fla).

“ObamaCare doesn’t work. It just doesn’t work,” says the narrator in ads against Barber, Hagan and Murphy, after running through the litany of ongoing problems with the law.

“I trusted the president and Senator Begich. Lots of promises were made to pass ObamaCare. They knew the real truth,” says the narrator in the Alaska ad. “Senator Begich didn’t listen. How can I ever trust him again?”

Americans for Prosperity has been on the air on and off all year attacking Democrats on ObamaCare, with a focus on female voters. This is one of their largest ad buys to date, and comes at a time where ObamaCare — and President Obama — are plunging in the polls and worried red-state Democrats are being dragged down with them.


“Some politicians are scrambling to distance themselves from ObamaCare,” says AFP President Tim Phillips. “But people are hurting. They’re losing their doctor, seeing the plan they liked stripped away from them, seeing prices go up and their options dwindle. Political games won’t fix this. We want to make sure this is the number one issue on everyone’s mind.