Senate races

Roberts primary challenger boasts he’s the ‘next Ted Cruz’

Milton Wolf is quickly claiming the Ted Cruz mantle in his primary against Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.).

The Senate hopeful and second cousin to President Obama, Wolf is launching his first radio ad ahead of the August primary featuring former Kansas Rep. Jim Ryun (R) touting Wolf as “the next Ted Cruz.”

Ryun is chairman of the conservative group the Madison Project, which has endorsed Wolf. Senate Conservatives Fund has also backed Wolf. 

“You see, Milton Wolf is a doctor, not a politician, and they’re already calling him the next Ted Cruz [R-Texas],” Ryun says in the ad, a reference to an article in The Week examining whether he’s trying to follow in Cruz’s footsteps.

He goes on to praise Wolf’s conservative credentials and his proclaimed goal of repealing and replacing ObamaCare.

“You wanna drive President Obama crazy? Send Dr. Milton Wolf to the U.S. Senate,” Ryun says at the end of the ad.

Roberts, who was first elected to the Senate in 1996, won his last election with 60 percent of the vote.

He’s a staunch conservative and isn’t typically considered vulnerable to conservative attacks, but Wolf has long criticized the incumbent, accusing him of raising the debt ceiling and supporting the Wall Street bailout, and not doing enough to eliminate ObamaCare.