Senate races

Warren flubs New Hampshire while pitching Shaheen

To hear Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) tell it, New Hampshire voters have a choice between an incumbent senator from Vermont and Warren’s former Republican foe in Massachusetts on the ballot Tuesday.

{mosads}That’s what she suggested, when she mislabeled Sen. Jeanne Shaheen’s (D-N.H.) state for the second time while campaigning for Shaheen’s reelection bid.

During an appearance on “The View,” Warren touts Shaheen as “the only woman in the history of the United States who has been both a governor and a senator, and — independent, out there working for the people of Vermont.”

It’s the second such flub Warren’s made in the past few days. During a campaign stop in the state for Shaheen on Saturday, Warren told the crowd that “the people of Massachusetts are not talking Scott Brown, they’re talking Jeanne Shaheen!”

Warren, it would seem, still has her 2012 battle with Brown, during which she defeated him by about 8 percentage points, on her mind.

But she’s not the only one to have mixed up the states at play in the race — Brown made similar gaffes before, referencing Massachusetts, when he meant New Hampshire.

Democrats pointed to those instances as evidence Brown, who moved to the state shortly before launching his bid, isn’t really committed to New Hampshire.

The carpetbagging attacks initially contributed to Brown’s low to middling popularity with New Hampshire voters, and to Shaheen’s slim but stable lead. But the race has tightened in recent weeks, and a new independent survey out Monday showed Brown up by 1 point.

While Warren’s fumbles aren’t likely to raise any doubts about Shaheen’s allegiances, they might somewhat undercut her attacks on Brown’s move to New Hampshire. But without missing a beat, during her appearance on “The View,” Warren hammered Brown for that very reason, right after praising Shaheen as an independent voice for Vermont.

“But here’s the fun part: She’s running against the same guy I ran against. So think about that. After I beat this guy, he packed up and moved to his vacation home in New Hampshire,” she said.