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Trump attends golf tournament for third day

President Trump attended the third and final day of the U.S. Women’s Open at the Trump National Golf Course in New Jersey on Sunday.

The president, who flew to New Jersey from an official trip to Paris, watched the event from a glass-enclosed viewing area alongside national security adviser H.R. McMaster, according to White House pool reports.

Trump thanked his supporters, “who far out-numbered the protesters,” at the tournament in a tweet Sunday morning.



He was spotted waving at and engaging with the crowd, the pool noted.

{mosads}First lady Melania Trump joined the president in the viewing box at around 5 p.m.



Demonstrators from a women’s advocacy group were seen at the golf course.

Ultraviolet has been protesting the three-day tournament, targeting both Trump and the U.S. Golf Association’s decision to keep the tournament at the club.

However, attendees at the prestigious golf tournament did not seem to welcome the presence of protesters, according to the pool report.