A former staffer for Hillary Clinton’s campaign slammed President Trump for his repeated efforts to undo Obama-era legislation.
Former Clinton speechwriter Josh Schwerin tweeted Monday, “If Barack Obama cured cancer, Donald Trump would try to bring it back.”
Trump has taken a number of actions as president that have involved rescinding or dismantling policies and rules that former President Obama established during his presidency.
One of the latest moves came Monday, when Trump signed proclamations shrinking two massive national monuments in Utah, one of which Obama established as a monument. The other was created under former President Clinton.
Trump campaigned on rolling back many of Obama’s policies, like protections for immigrants who were brought to the U.S. illegally as minors. Trump announced in September that he would rescind those protections under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
Trump has also acted to undo many of Obama’s actions on climate change, including rescinding parts of the Clean Power Plan and pulling the United States out of the Paris climate accord.
A key goal of the Trump administration has also been to repeal ObamaCare, though congressional attempts to do so have been unsuccessful.
Trump took executive action to dismantle parts of the law earlier this year.
On a more personal level, Trump has also reportedly continued to push his claim that Obama was born outside the United States, privately questioning the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate.