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Scaramucci claims John Kelly has ‘hissy fits,’ has ‘hurt the president’

Former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci on Sunday targeted White House chief of staff John Kelly, claiming that Kelly throws “hissy fits” and is bad for West Wing morale.

“He hurt the morale inside the place and he’s hurt the president. And he has hissy fits,” Scaramucci said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“The good news is, I’m being vindicated by that because he’s demonstrating his personality now, the way he really is,” Scaramucci added.

{mosads}Kelly was reportedly involved in an intense shouting match with national security adviser John Bolton last week when the two got into an argument about immigration policy. 

The former communications director has been fiercely critical of Kelly in the time since he was fired after just 11 days on the job in the summer of 2017.

He has previously called on the general to resign and accused him of taking part in a cover-up of allegations of domestic abuse against former White House staffer Rob Porter.

Scaramucci’s appearance Sunday was to promote his upcoming book, where he writes that Kelly’s personality clashes with the president.

He said on NBC that while he respects Kelly’s service to the country, he believes the chief of staff has tried to impose a military management style that hasn’t been effective.

Scaramucci was also critical of the way he was ousted, saying Kelly “didn’t need to fire me the way he fired me.” Scaramucci was infamously dismissed after less than two weeks on the job following a profanity-laced rant about fellow White House staffers.

The chief of staff’s job security has been a subject of intense speculation for several months amid numerous reports that he and President Trump do not get along.

The president reportedly has asked Kelly to stay on through 2020 and recently invited a reporter into the Oval Office to discuss his support for his chief of staff.