Morning Read


Unions open fire on Specter – Greg Sargent, Plum Line
The meaning of Chrysler – Scott, Power Line
Jerry Brown’s Anna Nicole Smith gambit – Marcia Clark, Daily Beast
Tea Party over Earmarks – Kathryn Jean Lopez, The Corner
(Conservative) empire strikes back – Chris in Paris, AMERICAblog
Obama’s deceiving war priorities – Warner Todd Huston, RedState
The Pakistanization of the Afghan War – Charles Lemos, MyDD
Fight for your right to party – Dennis Sanders, Moderate Voice
This is your brain on the internet – Peter Suderman, American Scene
They play to win – Josh Marshall, TPM
Will Harry Reid get serious about entitlements?Michelle Malkin
WaPo’s skewed definition of ‘wealthy’ – Dean Baker, Beat the Press
Obama reversing on interrogation photos?
– B. Kristol, W. Standard
War crimes are a feature, not a bug – DougJ, Ballon Juice
Dems raising healthcare taxes – Steve Foley, Minority Report

Clock ticking for SCOTUS pickThe Hill
Antitrust eyes turn toward Google The Hill
States seek money faster than stimulusNY Times
AIG bonuses known months before WaPo