
Graham more optimistic on July 2011 drawdown date in Afghanistan

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Sunday his recent trip to Afghanistan has made him more optimistic about the July 2011 drawdown timetable.

Due to progress he’s seen on the ground, Graham said on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” he now believes that the transition from U.S. to Afghan forces could begin next year in some areas.

“We could remove some troops safely without undermining the overall war mission,” Graham said, stressing that such a drawdown “will always be conditions-based.”

The senator said he felt the U.S. was on the offense, not the defense, and “by next summer hopefully … we can cross midfield.” He stressed there will still be a “substantial” need for troops past July, though.

Graham said Afghan President Hamid Karzai has “got to be all in to win.”

“It’s now time to put him to the test … because we’re running out of time here at home,” Graham said.