
GOP rep escorted by police after town hall

A GOP lawmaker was escorted by police on Saturday as protestors, including those opposed to the Trump administration, showed up outside his town hall meeting.

Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.) left the Tower Theatre in downtown Roseville, Calif., at approximately 11 a.m. while being accompanied by police, according to the Sacramento Bee.

The report noted that the event attracted hundreds of protestors who opposed the lawmaker and the new Trump administration, while the town hall itself drew more than 200 attendees.


Demonstrators outside sported signs with messages including “Resist,” “Dump Tom McTrump” and “Climate change is real,” pushing the GOP lawmaker to denounce his party’s plans to repeal ObamaCare, according to the report.

McClintock attempted to defend Trump during the town hall meeting but said that he sympathized with many of the protesters.

“I understand you do not like Donald Trump,” McClintock said, according to the report.

“I sympathize with you. There have been elections where our side has lost… Just a word of friendly advice: Remember that there were many people in America who disagreed and feared Barack Obama just as vigorously as you disagree with and fear Donald Trump.”