
Weiner calls for a Hispanic SCOTUS nominee

It isn’t only the Congressional Hispanic Caucus that’s urging President Obama to tap a Hispanic nominee to replace retiring Justice David Souter on the Supreme Court. Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), a member of the House Judiciary Committee, mailed a letter to the president on Friday that said Souter’s retirement “creates a golden opportunity to add both talent and diversity to the highest court in the land.”

Weiner also cited the statistics the Congressional Hispanic Caucus used in their letter to the president earlier this week. “Hispanics represent 15 percent of the population and are expected to make up 30 percent of the nation’s population by 2050,” Weiner wrote. “Despite the growth of this community, Latinos only comprise approximately 7 percent of federal judges.”

Weiner then recommended, like New York Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand early in April, Sonia Sotomayor and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar for the job.