
Bachmann calls for Napolitano to resign

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) called today for the resignation of Homeland Security Sec. Janet Napolitano.

Conservatives have been blasting Napolitano since last week, when a DHS memo warning of “rightwing extremists” was leaked onto the blogosophere.

Bachmann said Napolitano ought to appear before Congress in a hearing to explain the memo.

“Does she really believe this? Is this really her opinion?” Bachmann asked. “Because if it is, I think it would be imperative and incumbent upon us to ask for her resignation. It’s not too soon to do that.”

Bachmann said the report, issued by the Office of Intelligence and Analysis, did not list specific threats posed by rightwing radicals and was really just an indictment of conservative ideology.

“I didn’t notice any nuance in this document,” Bachmann said, adding the report “is like a hammer coming down on interest group after interest group.

The DHS also put out a similar report on “leftwing extremism,” but conservatives claim the liberal version warns of specific threats, whereas the rightwing report is vague and driven by a partisan agenda.