
Lieberman on Lieberman: Sen. Joe thinks Washington relations will still be good

Benjamin Netanyahu, tapped by Israeli President Shimon Peres to form a unity government after the super-close elections there, met with Lieberman — no, not third-place finisher Avigdor Lieberman, but our Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.), who is in Israel today. And while questions remain about the strength of relations that the Obama administration would have with a Netanyahu/Lieberman coalition, Joe Lieberman says he thinks Washington will continue to have good relations with Israel. As quoted in the Jerusalem Post:

“‘Our enemies, unfortunately, are as common as the values and the interests that have united us for all these years,’ Lieberman told reporters. ‘I have no doubt that with Netanyahu’s government here we will have good and positive relations with the Obama administration in Washington and with members of Congress, and I look forward to playing my part in contributing to that.’

Lieberman also met with Israel Beiteinu leader Avigdor Lieberman. The US senator said that ‘based on his success in the elections,’ it was vital to become familiar with Israel Beiteinu’s head.”

Netanyahu also stressed Sunday that, while Kadima mounts resistance to coalition efforts, nobody will get knocked in the kneecaps in the coalition talks: “The best way to deal with the challenges is with unity. Unity can be achieved through dialogue, and not through arm-twisting and dictation of terms. An honest attempt is needed to reach common ground out of mutual respect and true dialogue.”