
#TrumpShutdown becomes top trending hashtag worldwide

A hashtag linking a potential government shutdown to President Trump became the top trending topic on Twitter on Friday night.

#TrumpShutdown, a hashtag used by Democrats ahead of Friday night’s deadline for Congress to pass a government spending bill, shot to the top of Twitter’s “Worldwide” trending topics.

The popularity of the hashtag may point to the difficulties Republicans and Trump will have in the fight over who is to blame for the shutdown.

Republicans argue it is Senate Democrats who are to blame because they blocked a House GOP bill that would have kept the government open for another months.

Democrats say the GOP and Trump are to blame, pointing to their control of the White House and Congress. 

Several top Democrats, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) used the hashtag to tweet about the funding fight.


Meanwhile, GOP lawmakers began employing the hashtag #SchumerShutdown during the shutdown debate starting Thursday night, blaming a potential shutdown on Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.). 

The Senate rejected a House-passed funding bill late Friday night, and negotiations are ongoing to avoid a government shutdown at midnight.