
Albright: ‘As far as I can tell, there is no strategy’ on Syria

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said on Wednesday that she does not believe the Trump administration has a strategy in Syria. 

“As far as I can tell, there is no strategy,” Albright told CNN’s Chris Cuomo on “New Day.” 


“It is one thing to take action on this particular, really egregious issue on the chemical attack, but I think we need a strategy of some kind. And I’m hoping very much that there is work going on on that because I do think we’re facing a very serious situation,” she continued. 

Albright’s comments come after Trump offered his strongest comments to Russia yet following the deadly chemical attack in Syria last week, which left dozens of people dead. 

Trump warned Moscow in a tweet that “nice and new and ‘smart’ ” missiles would be headed to Syria and said Moscow should get ready. He also said that U.S.-Russian relations were the worst they have ever been.  

Albright said she agreed with Trump’s characterization of Russia in the tweets. 

“At least the president has recognized that Putin is not a friend. He is someone that has very different plans for the Middle East, and generally in terms of what he is doing in undermining democracy in various parts of the world,” she said.