No jail time for Va. sheriff’s captain arrested for child porn

A former sheriff’s captain in Virginia who was arrested on a child pornography charge will get no jail time under a plea agreement.

Donny Lewis Dixon, 40, of Ashland, reached an agreement with prosecutors in Hanover County last week convicting him of a misdemeanor charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, according to The Richmond Times-Dispatch.

{mosads}Dixon was originally arrested in June on a felony charge of distributing child pornography. He resigned from his position as a captain at the Chesterfield County Jail, according to the Times-Dispatch.

Following his conviction on the misdemeanor, Dixon was sentenced to a year in jail. But his time behind bars will be completely suspended as long as he follows a set of instructions that include not having unsupervised contact with minors he isn’t related to and undergoing therapy and treatment, according to the newspaper.

Dixon’s attorney, Peter Baruch, told the Times-Dispatch that there was not enough evidence for prosecutors to successfully prosecute Dixon on the felony charge.

“Rather than run the risk of a trial, we agreed to something that was a misdemeanor, did not involve the need for sex offender registration,” Baruch added. 

Tags Misdemeanor Plea bargain

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