
Nestle CEO tells employees to ‘get ready for the storm to hit’

Nestle CEO Mark Schneider told company employees to prepare to take extra effort in order to supply customers with the food and beverages the company creates, Reuters reported Monday, citing a company memo. 

“This is the moment for extra effort, for going the extra mile,” Schneider said in the internal message to employees, according to Reuters.

“Please get ready for the storm to hit — because hit it will,” Schneider added.

The memo was distributed internally on Friday, according to Reuters. 

Schneider reportedly said the commitment from front-line employees and factory workers was critical to maintaining business continuity. 

Schneider said it was important for Nestle to secure supplies, manufacturing and logistics and build inventories of critical supplies and products in areas not yet affected, Reuters reports.  

Groceries and household goods have quickly been selling out in stores across the country as Americans panic-buy products amid the coronavirus pandemic. 

Retailers, including Walmart and Target, have announced temporary minimum wage increases for their employees.