
Conservative bloggers petition NRSC to stay out of Florida

A number of conservative bloggers have signed onto a petition encouraging the NRSC to stay out of the Florida Senate primary.

Angry that the NRSC endorsed the moderate, pro-stimulus Gov. Charlie Crist over conservative state House Speaker Marco Rubio, conservatives have been blasting the senatorial committee for weeks. RedState has launched a donation boycott.

Now, RedState has signed onto a petition, along with bloggers from Right Wing News, Hot Air, The Next Right, Atlas Shrugs, Wizbang and others asking the NRSC to back down.

Though the letter refers only to the Florida Senate primary, the language (as well as the headline at Right Wing News), suggests the bloggers oppose all NRSC primary endorsements.

Dear Senator Cornyn,

We the undersigned believe that the National Republican Senatorial Committee should be committed to serving ALL the members of the Republican Party.

Additionally, the NRSC should be focused on defeating Democrats, not Republicans. Towards that end, we believe it was completely inappropriate for the NRSC to endorse a candidate in the Florida primary race.

Therefore, we request that both you and the NRSC alter your position on the Florida Senate race, maintain neutrality, and promise to spend no money directly or indirectly in that race.

See the rest of the signatories at Right Wing News.