

Amid Democratic handwringing over the seemingly endless Obama-Clinton nomination fight, several pundits have put forth their solutions to end it.Jennifer Rubin at Contentions says that should Barack Obama win Indiana or North Carolina, he should consider giving Clinton the Michigan and Florida delegates. The other option, Rubin writes, is to allow the race to go to the convention, where a divisive credential fight looms, something that the McCain campaign is certainly hoping for.Prominent Obama backers Sens. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) and Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) have begun to call for Clinton to leave the race altogether.Glenn Hurowitz, blogging at the Huffington Post, echoes Joe Klein and suggests that superdelegates get behind Al Gore for president. For his part, Gore said in an interview that the race will “resolve itself,” The Page notes. But Gore added, “We’ll see.”

One way or another, the nomination fight could be settled by July 1, the date floated on Friday by Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean. Dean said he wants superdelegates to decide by then.

FROM THE BLOGS:A Time To Give In — Jennifer Rubin, Contentions
Gore to the Rescue? — Glenn Hurowitz, HuffPoGore: Race Will