
Alberto Gonzales hails Sotomayer, predicts confirmation

Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales largely hailed the selection of Judge Sonia Sotomayer for the Supreme Court Wednesday, predicting she would be confirmed by the Senate.

Gonzales, who was at one time rumored to be a leading pick by President George W. Bush to become the first Hispanic justice, said President Obama’s pick is “well qualified” to join the highest court in the land.

“I think yesterday was, obviously, a proud day for the Sotomayor family and a very historic day for the Hispanic community,” Gonzales said during an appearance on Fox News. While the former attorney general said that no gender or ethnic group is entitled to a seat on the court, “the appointment sends a very powerful message here in this country about opportunity and hope.”

Gonzales encouraged Senate Republicans to take their time and carefully vet her numerous opinions as a lower court judge, which could slow down the timeline Obama had pushed for in his announcement. He also raised some broad questions about her judicial philosophy GOP lawmakers are sure to echo.

Still, the controversial former attorney general predicted Sotomayer would win confirmation.

“She’s got a great story. She’s well qualified. “You know, based on what we know today, it appears to me that she’s going to be confirmed. But, again, we don’t know what we don’t know.”