News/Campaigns/Civil Rights

LGBT takes Obama to task over gay rights issues

The leader of one of the nation’s largest gay and lesbian advocacy group wrote President Obama a letter Monday taking the administration to task for its arguments on behalf of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in court.

Human Rights Campaign (HRC) President Joe Solmonese said that when the administration defended DOMA in court, “I realized that although I and other LGBT leaders have introduced ourselves to you as policy makers, we clearly have not been heard, and seen, as what we also are: human beings whose lives, loves, and families are equal to yours.”

The letter reflects a growing frustration by some in the gay and lesbian community within the Democratic Party that the administration has jilted them on issues such as DOMA, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and on appointing an openly gay or lesbian official to a high-ranking position in the administration.

Solmonese said that he held the administration “to a higher standard than this brief.”

“In the course of your campaign, I became convinced — and I still want to believe — that you do, too,” he wrote. “We call on you to put your principles into action and send legislation repealing DOMA to Congress.”

Read the full letter here.