News/Lawmaker News

Van Hollen on Twittering: One Step at a Time

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Chris Van Hollen doesn’t know if he’s going to jump on the Twitter bandwagon quite yet — he’s just figuring out text messaging.

Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas), one of the most prolific users of live media in Congress, posted a Qik video in which he interviews his Democratic colleague, and explains the Twitter phenomenon to Van Hollen.

“I’ve been playing with Twitter a little bit,” Van Hollen said. “One step at a time. You know, I’m pretty good at text messaging. I’m ready to take the next leap.”

“We’re just talking about the incredible benefits of modern technology,” added Van Hollen, the Democratic Assistant to the Speaker, speaking from the halls of the Longworth building. “I want to thank him for letting me on, and bringing me into the 21st century.”

Watch a video of the interview here: Van Hollen talks to Culberson