News/Lawmaker News

Boehner, Cantor Depart Iraq

House Republican Leader John Boehner (OH) and his deputy Republican Whip Eric Cantor (VA) headed out of Iraq on Friday, after spending several days meeting with key U.S. and Iraqi officials.

The leaders – joined by senior House Republicans – met with President Jalal Talabani, Ambassador Ryan Crocker, and current Commanding General of Multi National Force-Iraq, Raymond Odierno, in addition to Major General John Kelly (USMC) and Lieutenant General Lloyd Austin (U.S. Army), according to a release issued by Boehner’s office.

Armed Services Ranking member John McHugh (N.Y), Intelligence Committee Ranking member Pete Hoekstra (MI), Appropriations Committee members Tom Latham (IA) and Jo Bonner (AL) accompanied the top two House Republicans on the codel.

— Molly K. Hooper