News/Lawmaker News

Graham Plugs BMWs; McCaskill, Chevy Tahoes

Appearing on “Fox News Sunday” this morning, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told host Chris Wallace that there are some “pretty good deals this summer” on BMWs being manufactured in his home state, while Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) plugged Chevrolet Tahoe hybrids.

According to Fox’s transcript:

WALLACE: Senators, we have got less than three minutes left. I want to talk about one other area. Senator Graham, the big three automakers are supposed to come back this week with a plan — a better plan as to how they would spend $25 billion in a government bailout.You’ve got BMW making cars in South Carolina. Is there any…GRAHAM: Pretty good deals this summer…(CROSSTALK)WALLACE: Say again?GRAHAM: Very good deals (INAUDIBLE)…(CROSSTALK)WALLACE: Oh, well, I’m glad to hear that.

McCaskill told Wallace that a Chevy Tahoe hybrid she just purchased is a “terrific car,” encouraging consumers to buy American-made autos.

Graham voiced his opposition to bailing out Detroit while McCaskill said Congress needs to know more about the Big Three’s finances before a plan should be approved. Wallace told viewers as the interview concluded that “Chevy Tahoe and BMW approved this message.”