News/Lawmaker News

Obama: Something has happened in Iran

President Obama on Tuesday said that that “something has happened” in Iranian election in response to the country’s “antagonistic postures” toward the international community.

Speaking at a press conference, Obama reiterated that he has “deep concerns” about the protests in the country and that he believes the election shows something – he was careful not to say “progress” – is happening in Iran.

“I do believe that something has happened in Iran where there is a questioning of some of the antagonistic postures toward the international community” that have occurred in the past, he said.

The remarks indicate a slight increase in the intensity of Obama’s rhetoric on the election and the protests that have followed. On Monday, Obama said that he is “deeply troubled” by the protests.

As a result, Obama has come under criticism for Republicans for not speaking out more strongly on the issue.

On Tuesday, Obama was again careful with his words. He said it would be “not productive” for the U.S. to be seen as “meddling” in Iran’s election results.

“My hope,” Obama said, “is that the Iranian people will make the right steps in order for them to be able to express their voices.”