
GOP Hammers House Dems on STD Spending

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is putting freshman Democrats on the spot for today’s House vote on President Obama’s economic stimulus package, taking issue with a provision that allocates $335 million to sexually transmitted disease prevention programs through the Centers for Disease Control after the Drudge Report today called attention to the proposed spending at the top of its page.

The NRCC circulated news releases in the districts of 29 freshman House Dems, blasting the provision.


According to a Democratic official, the spending will reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS, save jobs at public health groups and community clinics, and save taxpayers money by preventing STD cases that would cost money to treat.

“Rep. Debbie Halvorson (D-IL) is set to cast her vote today on a so-called ‘stimulus’ package, which has shattered the trillion dollar mark. The question is: Will Debbie Halvorson still support the massive spending bill now that it has become public that the House Democrats