
Boehner: We Have to Look into Our Soul

An impassioned House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio), urging members of his party to support the Wall Street bailout package finalized by congressional and administration negotiators yesterday, told House Republicans to look into their souls as they decide how they will vote on the bill.

“These are the kind of votes where we have to look into our soul and ask what’s best for our country,” Boehner said in a floor speech today, “not what’s in the best interest of our party.”

“These are the votes that separate the men from the boys and the girls from the women,” Boehner told the chamber.

House Republicans have constituted the main faction opposing the bill since Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson laid it out the week before last. Boehner has worked with Democratic leaders this morning to pressure Republicans still holding out to vote in favor of the package.

A vote on the final bill is expected early this afternoon.