
Radio Ads: Tell GOP Sens. to Say No to Limbaugh

After launching a campaign of TV ads last week pressuring GOP senators to vote for a Democratic-backed economic stimulus package, liberal activist group Americans United for Change will start running radio ads tomorrow that ask if GOP senators will side “with Rush Limbaugh” in voting against a stimulus measure in the Senate.

The ads open with the radio host’s recent controversial quote about President Obama’s economic agenda–“I hope he fails.”

“We can understand why an extreme partisan like Rush Limbaugh wants President Obama’s jobs program to fail, but the members of Congress elected to represent the citizens in their districts? That’s another matter,” the narrator says.

“Now the Obama plan goes to the Senate. And the question is, will Sen. Jim Bunning side with Rush Limbaugh too?” the narrator says in one of the ads.

The ads will target Republican Sens. Jim Bunning (Ky.), Richard Burr (N.C.), and Mel Martinez (Fla.), airing in their home states.

The ads close by asking listeners to call each GOP senator “tell him he represents you, not Rush Limbaugh.”

The group has also expanded its TV campaign to target Sens. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.) and Kit Bond (R-Mo.).