
Obama Kids to Do Chores in the White House

President-elect Barack Obama and First Lady-to-be Michelle Obama said that their two young daughters will be making their own beds in the White House.

The incoming president told ABC’s Barbara Walters that Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, will “absolutely” be doing chores.

“I think a lot of it just has to do with making sure that they understand that they’re special to us, because we’re their parents, but they’re not special in terms of having to do their homework or having to do chores,” he said.

Michelle Obama said that she has already made a point to tell the White House staff that the kids would have certain duties.

“Because, of course, they were like, ‘Oh the girls, they’re so great.’ I said, ‘You know, we’re going to have to set up some boundaries because they’re going to need to be able to make their beds and clean up,'” Obama said.