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Putting fairness back in Section 8 housing law (Rep. Elton Gallegly)

What my bill does is ensures an equal penalty for Section 8 recipients who commit fraud or do not comply with the requirements of their benefits. I see it as a matter of fairness.

As an example: Two Section 8 recipients live next door in a private housing complex. Tenant A was convicted of welfare fraud. As a result, his welfare subsidies have been lowered to pay an imposed fine. Because his subsidies are lower, his rent also has been reduced.

Tenant B next door is working part time, raising two children, and makes sure she is fully involved in a self-sufficiency program. She looks at Tenant A and wonders why she’s working so hard when obviously crime pays. This is not right.

Specifically, H.R.3897 would amend current law so privately owned Section 8 properties must not lower the share of their rent for any household whose (1) welfare benefits are reduced because the welfare agency has determined and verified that a family has committed welfare fraud; and (2) the family’s welfare benefits are reduced because the welfare agency has determined and verified in writing that an enforced sanction is a result of noncompliance with a requirement to participate in an economic self-sufficiency program.

People who defraud the government should not be rewarded for their crimes. My bill rectifies that.