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Support for a cleaner environment

For years, I have supported bills that would increase funding to research and development projects dealing with new and cleaner energy sources as well as provide financial incentives to produce energy from wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal, for consumers to purchase fuel efficient vehicles, increase energy efficiency standards for buildings and appliances, and promote public transit efforts. 

I will continue to support programs and projects seeking to create cleaner energy technologies because we all benefit from a cleaner environment. Finally, coming from Texas, which is the nation’s leader in renewable energy production and a pioneer in developing its own state portfolio standard, I support efforts to promote renewable energy production that meets the unique circumstances and resources of each state.

Even with these increases in renewable energy, the Energy Information Administration found that oil, natural gas, and coal will continue to make up the large majority of U.S. energy use in 2030 and beyond. For that reason, I have long been a supporter of safe and responsible drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf. North American oil sands are also a vital source of energy for the U.S. and account for approximately five percent of total U.S. oil supplies. 

Our skyrocketing fuel costs make it imperative for the U.S. to diversify our energy sources by exploring alternatives such as oil sands. As the largest single exporter of oil to the U.S. and a stable energy partner, Canada has helped to reduce our dependence on energy supplies from unfriendly nations. This partnership should continue to be encouraged.

Finally, natural gas and nuclear power comprise a large part of this solution. If we increase costs on natural gas production or shut down the expansion of nuclear power plants or shale gas exploration throughout our country, we will limit our ability to address climate change because we will fail to provide the cleaner burning fuel needed to meet our short-term carbon reduction targets while providing affordable and reliable supplies of energy to American consumers.

It is my hope that this Congress will act thoughtfully on these issues in a bipartisan way. The American people deserve this much and more.

U.S. Representative Gene Green is a member of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, and Ranking Member on the Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy.

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