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Democrats Send Mixed Messages On Valentine’s Day

This Iraq debate is the ultimate example of a mixed message. Democrats are pretending to support our troops, but then denounce their actions. It is like sending your sweetheart Valentine’s Day roses with divorce papers.

I have expressed my doubts about the current handling of the Iraq war both publicly and to the President. Early on, I disagreed with the President’s reference to a ‘democratic’ Iraq. Democracies do not spring up overnight. In fact, it takes decades and generations to prepare a culture for democratic self-governance. A free and secure republic is much more achievable than a Jeffersonian-style democracy.

However, this do-nothing resolution that the Democrats designed has zero power to do any good, but plenty of potential to create problems, lower troop morale, and encourage enemies of America and freedom. This Democratic nonbinding resolution is a political stunt with no impact.

Tags Contemporary history Democratic Party Humanities Iraq Iraq War Iraq–United States relations Modern history Occupation of Iraq Politics War

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