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Bipartisan Redistricting Reform

It is up to us in Congress to fix the redistricting system to stop the
current system of using gerrymanders to cut the voters out of the electoral
system. Those partisan practices further divide our nation and increase the
polarization in Washington, which has already crippled our ability to
accomplish the goals the American people want to see us accomplish.

The Supreme Court’s June 28 ruling essentially opened the door for
professional politicians to hijack the electoral system every time a certain
party gets control in any state Capitol.

We have introduced bipartisan legislation (HR 2642/S.2350) that would
establish independent commissions in each state to draw district maps and
would bar mid-decade redistricting. Senator Tim Johnson and I are hopeful
more of our colleagues will recognize the importance of putting the House of
Representatives back in the hands of the American people.