Members also debated H.Res. 556, a resolution that condemns Iran for imprisoning a Christian citizen for his religion, and requiring him to raise his children under Islam. This is also non-controversial, but a recorded vote was requested, which should happen Thursday.
{mosads}The House debated a third bill, S. 1134, that would deem the building of a bridge between Wisconsin and Minnesota over the St. Croix River as consistent with environmental laws.
While this bill was also on the suspension calendar, it was anything but non-controversial, and split both parties in nearly an hour of debate on the floor.
Supporters, mostly Republicans, said the bill would speed along the replacement of an 80-year old bridge by considering the project consistent with environmental laws. Many said that “nuisance” environmental suits have delayed the bridge.
Opponents, led by Rep. Betty McCollum (D-Minn.), said the bridge is bad environmental policy, and said the bill mandates the construction of an expensive bridge that could cost up to $700 million. McCollum and other Democrats said a smaller bridge is more appropriate given the traffic between the two states over the river.
Republicans said the bill does not appropriate any money, and would only allow the bridge to be built with local funds. But some Democrats still argued that the bill is essentially an earmark, since it deals with a specific infrastructure project.
Rep. Doc Hastings (R-Wash.) said the bill was deemed not to be an earmark under House rules.
Widespread Democratic opposition could kill the bill when it comes up for a vote on Thursday. Under suspension of the rules, House bills must pass by a two-thirds majority vote.
One factor in the bill’s favor is that it was introduced by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), and has already been approved in the Senate by unanimous consent.