
House wraps up Wednesday evening amendment votes, more debate expected

John Tierney (D-Mass.), to add $10 million to a federal student loan repayment program, offset with cuts to NASA. Rejected 160-260.

Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), to increase funding for the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program by $177 million, offset by discretionary cuts. Withdrawn.

Ben Quayle (R-Ariz.), to deny the use of funds to implement an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ruling that limits the ability of companies to consider arrest and conviction records when making hiring decisions. Accepted voice vote.

Ted Poe (R-Texas), to prohibit the Census Bureau from using funds to penalize people who choose not to participate in the American Community Survey. Accepted voice vote.

Daniel Webster (R-Fla.), to prevent Commerce from using funds to implement the American Community Survey. Passed 232-190.

Bill Flores (R-Texas), to prevent funds from being used to enforce a ban on coal to liquid alternative fuels. Passed 250-173.

Flores, to prevent implementation of the National Oceans Policy. Passed 246-174.