GOP to give Dems chance to offer Obama amendment in tax bill debate

Hoyer said that while Democrats prefer a markup of the bill in committee, he was very happy that they would have a chance to offer their own amendment. Last week, Cantor told Hoyer that Democrats might only be given a procedural vote to send the bill back to committee, a procedural move that always fails and allows only five minutes for debate.

{mosads}”I am pleased to hear that the minority will be allowed an amendment to be made in order of our choosing to offer on this floor,” Hoyer said. “I think that’s a positive sign and I appreciate the gentleman’s notice of that.”

Democrats are expected to offer some version of President Obama’s plan to keep the lower tax rates in place for people earning up to $250,000, but allow them to increase for people with higher incomes.

Roskam also confirmed that the GOP is still not planning a markup of the tax bill, and said the issue of the 2001 and 2003 tax rates are so well-known, no committee discussion is needed.

Hoyer also asked Roskam other questions about legislation that might come up before the August break, and Roskam replied that Republicans expect to consider a House-Senate conference agreement on Iran sanctions.

“There is every intention to move forward on that,” Roskam said. “And there is an expectation that that will be done before the August recess.”

However, Roskam said he was not sure whether the House would move a drought-relief bill or the farm bill before August.

The House adjourned shortly after the two leaders spoke; both the House and Senate are out Friday, returning Monday.

Next week, the House will vote on a bill from Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) to audit the Federal Reserve, H.R. 459.

Two other bills relating to energy policy and regulation will also be considered. One is H.R. 6082, the Congressional Replacement of Obama’s Energy-Restricting and Job-Killing Offshore Drilling Plan, and the other is H.R. 4078, the Red Tape Reduction and Small Business Job Creation Act.


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